Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Competition: WIN Tobey Maguire's Spider-man boxset!

No, you numpty - not Toby Maguire's own personal copy (although that'd be a far more attractive prize).

HCTV is half way to 10 years! Wowza. And, to celebrate such a skull shatteringly exciting event, we've already released some old pictures of how the website’s looked over the years, but that’s not all! This bit is a competition - yes! A chance to win something splendid that involves next to no effort on your part whatsoever! HCTV has the original Tobey Maguire-filled Spider-man trilogy on Blu-ray and a badge that says ‘I ♥ HELLOCAKETV’ on it – and it’s all up for grabs! Simply like the HCTV Facebook page before Friday 14th September and you’re automatically in with a chance of winning!

Don’t watch Spider-man 3. Use the disc as a coaster or something. Don’t say we didn’t warn you! And, you can read the review of the new, not so amazing, Amazing Spider-man right here.

The lucky winner will be announced on Friday 14th September on the HCTV Facebook page after 5pm. Until then, be sure to listen to HCTV’s latest podcast! If your journeys to work are frightfully boring, listen to one of these bad boys because, after all, it couldn’t get much worse!
