Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Podcast #2 - Bad sci-fi

For those of you who were big fans of HCTV's first podcast, gleefully listening to it on your way to work, or on the lavatory, brace yourselves - here's another one! This time we're delving deeper, asking what it is that makes us human and what our purpose might be, here on Earth... Well, almost!

Roo & Will take to the microphone a second time to discuss why some sci-fi turns out so bad and which genres of film and telly are the most believable. Mull over a shoddy third installment of Men In Black, a consistantly disastrous Doctor Who, an undeniably pretty-looking Prometheus & the ultimate in whacky space operas - frelling Farscape! Keep up to date with HCTV's podcasts by going here (or by following the link over on the right), and then clicking 'Subscribe with iTunes' on our Podomatic sidebar.

Changing the subject completely, because we're out out of control like that, you should probably take a look at the following video if you're thinking about paying a visit to Maidstone, the county town of Kent. Actually, watch it even if you're not. It's bloody good fun! Catch more amusing HCTV-related videos here (or once again, follow the link in the sidebar).
