Watch the first episode of a Doctor Who online-only miniseries entitled 'Pond Life' after the jump, in which the Doctor does his usual 'running about as if he's in a comedy' routine. That, and quite frankly absurd activities that'd kill a character in any other sci-fi with half a brain, such as surfing - wait for it - on fire. Yes.
As with any slice of Doctor Who you choose to watch these days, the cinematography is gorgeous. Simple things like pressing a button somehow looks utterly fabulous - as if it's part of a huge big budget movie that's got more money than sense. It's just such a shame the Doc is still doing shit like surfing, on god damn FIRE! It's like Spitfires in space, or killing all the Cybermen by making them realise they're fucking Cybermen. Get a grip.
HCTV's giving season 7 a chance. Mr Moffat has already said that the Daleks will be scarier than ever this time around - so that's a bonus. There'll be more Pond Life daily until Friday 31st August, hyping Britain up for the full on return of Doctor Who this coming Saturday on BBC1 at 7.20pm. Fingers crossed they don't fuck it up.