It's back! How have you coped so long since the last of HCTV's podcasts? Join Roo & Will as they power up the the microphone for a brand new run in a brand new year filled with brand new films and TV shows! But in the time that has passed since some terrible Elvis impressions, the epic Skyfall has been and gone - the biggest Bond film ever - so what's the verdict?! You've read the review already, but you haven't heard Adele's theme tune get compared to Chris Cornell's while a big box of Christmassy chocolates are scoffed! It is of course important to realise that there are, obviously, spoilers in this Podcast. If you haven't had the pleasure of seeing 007's most recent adventure it's best to save this until later!
If you're wondering whether or not Roo's managed to sit Will down to watch Prometheus yet, the answer is yes! Find out what he thought by clicking play below, or by syncing via the iTunes!
If you're still unsure whether or not to watch Skyfall, IGN's collection of 007's 'Top 7 Worst Bond Moments' should fill you with enough confidence to dash out and buy it the moment it's released on Blu-ray!