You'd never catch Marvel making such a mess of things! Let's just ignore
how shit Captain America was and take a look at where we stand in
DC-land at the moment: Batman is currently the darkest franchise at the
movies. It's so dark in fact, that if it were to get one shade darker it
would collapse in on itself and form a black hole, instantly destroying
the entire galaxy. Whereas The Green Lantern is cheerful, bright green
and completely ridiculous. Superman is on about his 15th reboot and
Wonder Woman didn't even land her own TV series. There is literally naff
all that's exciting about Aquaman, along with a whole array of other DC
characters nobody's ever even heard of. Bringing this batch of mismatch
characters together for a 'Justice League' movie wouldn't work right now
- which means, everyone will have to get rebooted again beforehand. How
many reboots would a reboot reboot if a reboot could reboot reboots?
Marvel spent years reworking their superheoes to ensure that it'd all pay off when they finally got to a stage when The Avengers could be made. All of their superhero movies, including Thor, Iron Man and The incredible Hulk, take place within the same fictional universe and to prove it, each film discreetly makes a point of having a character mention something from one of the other movies in mid-conversation - genius. The links between these movies should be clearer in their sequels and after The Avengers, which will give the franchise a new lease of life, while posing a few new challenges along the way. Obviously however, there are of course still some problems. Disney owns The Avengers, but Sony owns Spider-man and FOX owns The Fantastic Four - fuck knows who's got The X-Men. Point is, they've done their very best but at this rate we'll sadly never get to see Spider-man giving The Avengers a hand, or The X-Men having a chin-wag with The Fantastic Four.
DC have got themselves into a strange position. By shouting about releasing a Justice League movie in 2015, they'd have to reboot Batman straight after The Dark Knight Rises, reboot Superman (again, straight after the new Superman film), bash out another new Green Lantern (now with added gayness) and introduce all their other characters in other new films which, obviously, cannot happen in time. They could, if they liked, create the darkest Justice League ever envisaged, but it's been said here before that The Avengers worked because it took itself seriously while also being well aware of its ridiculousness. If Iron Man, Captain Ameirca, Thor and the Hulk were all walking around talking like they needed to suck on a whole packet of Strepsils and generally taking themselves too seriously, their whacky adventure wouldn't have been fun enough to sit through - you wouldn't have been able to believe in it's stupidity.
Watch the following video, from a game, which shows how brilliantly a Justice League movie could work, provided all the characters included weren't miserable tossers. Who knows, maybe DC can make a Justice League movie work without rebooting all their heroes individually - reboot them all in one go with one big, fat, really fun Justice League movie. It's not impossible...