Monday, 23 April 2012

Review: Dexter needs a Doctor


 Warning: Semi-spoilerific 

The majority of Dexter fans will agree that the earlier seasons of the show were the best and that it peaked at season 4 - since then it hasn't recovered. Season 5 was naff, at best, but comes across as pretty much the best damn thing on TV since sliced bread commercials when you sit it next to the tat that was season 6. So, why exactly is the show on such a slippery slope? Its 'shock' moments aren't so shocking any more and the build up to reveals takes far too long for the result to turn out being such a bunch of bizarre, short-lived pay-offs. In other words, it's leaving a lot to be desired, because they're trying too hard to do 'cool' shit.

Season 7 should be very interesting now that there's a whole new theme to explore (a theme that we were all very much looking forward to being explored until the writers decided to throw in that whacky mind-fuck of a random plot twist that everybody watching deemed, simultaneously, completely unnecessary, if not a little bit yucky) - but is this brand new turn of events going to save, or strap-in-plastic-wrap-and-kill the show?

It's all getting a touch OTT, especially while imaginary dads are still strolling about in Dexter's head. Is he talking to his father in real life, out loud, to an invisible man, or is he just talking to him inside his own head? There used to be a helpful 'glow' effect put across the screen when he was talking to Harry, but that's been abandoned and now Dexter can physically interract with his imaginary friends too, so what on Earth are we meant to believe?! Without revealing too much, season 6 has a strong religious theme running throughout (and at times it can get very 'Saw') which leads to a fairly ridiculous 'epic' finale that really needn't have been so dramatic - something that's the complete opposite of the earlier seasons' more personal approach to its drama.

Dexter could have been mistaken for a chef on the cover of Season 1's DVD collection, but dive in head first and you'll be whisked away on an edge-of-your-seat murder-fest. It really is rather good telly, and Dexter was at its best back then, when it was quieter, a touch more 'internal', building its tension a hell of a lot more subtly. Season 5 was full of pantomime villains and Season 6 contained too many convinient moments that quite handily got Dexter out of hot water on more than one occasion. We, as an audience, are willing to suspend our belief only so far and season 4 was about far enough. The guys in charge need to reel it back in and take ol' Dex back to his roots.

In fact, if it gets any more melodramatic it'll be well on its way to competing with Brit's Doctor Who! Actually, come to think of it - the US remake nearly every one of our shows instead of just watching it the way we did it for some reason, so why don't they give remaking Doctor Who a try? Yeah, start from scratch! Wipe away all the Tardis-sized plot holes and shove Dexter Morgan through the vortex! He'd make one hell of a Doctor Who, let's face it. And have some of the murdering rub off onto the show as well - Doctor Who's always needed to get a little grittier. Who's with me?! (Get it? Who...!?) No? Fine.